Submission #3822880

Source Code Expand

#define reg register
#define dmin(_,__) ((_)<(__)?(_):(__))
#define dmax(_,__) ((_)>(__)?(_):(__))
	template of geom begin.
const long double eps=1e-12,pi=acosl(-1.0);
inline bool fle(const long double&a,const long double&b){return a<b+eps;} //not strict, less or equal.
inline bool fls(const long double&a,const long double&b){return a+eps<b;} //strict, only less.
inline bool feq(const long double&a,const long double&b){return fabsl(a-b)<eps;} //equal.

struct geoVec{
	long double x,y;
	geoVec(long double X,reg long double Y){x=X,y=Y;}
	inline long double theta(){return atan2l(y,x);} // slope.
	inline long double len2(){return x*x+y*y;} // module.
void inputVec(reg geoVec&a){
void outputVec(reg geoVec&a){
	printf("(%.6Lf, %.6Lf)\n",a.x,a.y);
inline geoVec operator+(const geoVec&a,const geoVec&b){return geoVec(a.x+b.x,a.y+b.y);}
inline geoVec operator-(const geoVec&a,const geoVec&b){return geoVec(a.x-b.x,a.y-b.y);}
inline long double operator*(const geoVec&a,const geoVec&b){return a.x*b.x+a.y*b.y;} // dot product.
inline long double operator/(const geoVec&a,const geoVec&b){return a.x*b.y-a.y*b.x;} // cross product.
inline long double dis(const geoVec&A,const geoVec&B){return sqrtl((A-B).len2());}
struct geolineSeg{
	geoVec O,A;
	geolineSeg(geoVec o,geoVec a){O=o,A=a;}
	inline long double theta(){return A.theta();}
	inline long double len(){return sqrtl(A.len2());}
inline bool coincide(const geolineSeg&a,const geolineSeg&b){return a.A*b.A==0;}

struct geoCir{
	geoVec O;long double r;
	geoCir(geoVec o,long double R){O=o,r=R;}
inline bool operator <(const geoVec&A,const geoCir&B){ //inside.
	//printf("%.12Lf %.12Lf\n",(A-B.O).len2(),B.r*B.r);
	return fls((A-B.O).len2(),B.r*B.r);
inline bool operator==(const geoVec&A,const geoCir&B){ // on.
	return feq((A-B.O).len2(),B.r*B.r);
inline bool operator*(geolineSeg l,geoCir O){
	// should be strict.
	geoVec A=l.O,B=l.O+l.A; // line segment AB.
	//printf(" ");outputVec(A);printf(" ");outputVec(B);
	if(A<O||B<O)return 1; // the point inside the circle.
	long double a,b,c; //ax+by+c=0. avoid special judgment.
	long double p1=a*O.O.x+b*O.O.y+c,
	//printf("%.8Lf, %.8Lf\n",p1,p2);
		return fls(0,p1)&&fls(0,p2);
	else return 0;
/* template of geom over */

/* Graph */
struct Graph{
	int N,src,tgt,M;
	std::vector<long double>w;
	void insert(reg int U,reg int V,reg long double W){
	void addedge(reg int U,reg int V,reg long double W){
		//printf(" >> %d %d %.3Lf\n",U,V,W);
	long double dist[1000010];
	long double bellmanford(){
		for(reg int i=1;i<=N;++i)dist[i]=1e18;
		for(reg int i=1;i<=N;++i)
			for(reg int j=0;j<M;++j)
		//for(reg int i=1;i<=N;++i)
		//	printf("      >> Dist[%d]: %.3Lf\n",i,dist[i]);
		return dist[tgt];

int n;long double _v,_w[15];
geoCir a[15];
geoVec S,T,p[1000010];int pcnt;

/* main function */
void getPoint(){
	// 外公切线
	for(reg int i=1;i<=n;++i)
		for(reg int j=i+1;j<=n;++j){
			geoCir A=a[i],B=a[j]; // 已知圆 A,B.
			if(A.r<B.r)std::swap(A,B); // 不妨令 r_A>r_B.
			geoCir C=geoCir(A.O,A.r-B.r); // 作辅助圆 C,使 C 与 A 同心且半径为圆A,B半径之差。
			geoVec D=B.O; // 设圆 B 圆心为点 D.
			geolineSeg CD=geolineSeg(C.O,D-C.O); // 连接 CD.
			if(fle(CD.len(),C.r))continue; // 如果 B 与 A 内切或内含,则不存在切点.
			long double theta=acos(C.r/CD.len()); // 令 theta=acos(r_C/CD).
			long double alpha=CD.theta()+theta,beta=CD.theta()-theta; // 则将射线 CD 绕 C 旋转 alpha 或 beta,与圆 A 的交点为圆 A 上的公切点.
			// 类似的可以得到圆 B 上的公切点,所以通过旋转,易求得四个公切点.
	// 内公切线
	for(reg int i=1;i<=n;++i)
		for(reg int j=i+1;j<=n;++j){
			geoCir A=a[i],B=a[j]; // 已知圆 A,B.
			if(A.r<B.r)std::swap(A,B); // 不妨令 r_A>r_B.
			geoCir C=geoCir(A.O,A.r+B.r); // 作辅助圆 C,使 C 与 A 同心且半径为圆A,B半径之和。
			geoVec D=B.O; // 设圆 B 圆心为点 D.
			geolineSeg CD=geolineSeg(C.O,D-C.O); // 连接 CD.
			long double theta=acos(C.r/CD.len()); // 令 theta=acos(r_C/CD).
			long double alpha=CD.theta()+theta,beta=CD.theta()-theta; // 则将射线 CD 绕 C 旋转 alpha 或 beta,与圆 A 的交点为圆 A 上的公切点.
			// 类似的可以得到圆 B 上的公切点,所以通过旋转,易求得四个公切点.
void linkSeg(reg int u,reg int v){
	//printf(" %d %d\n",u,v);
	geoVec A=p[u],B=p[v];
	geolineSeg AB=geolineSeg(A,B-A);
	for(reg int i=1;i<=n;++i)
		if(AB*a[i])return; // 如果线段与任何一个圆有交,不连边.
bool inmid(reg long double&A,reg long double&B,reg long double&C){
	if(fls(A,B))return fls(A,C)&&fls(C,B);
	else return fls(C,B)||fls(A,C);
bool isArc(reg geoVec A,reg geoVec B,reg geoCir O,reg long double alpha,reg long double beta){
	for(reg int i=1;i<=n;++i){
		if(A<a[i]||B<a[i])return 0; // 弧端点在圆内,则必然有交点.
		reg long double disO=dis(O.O,a[i].O);
		if(fls(fabsl(a[i].r-O.r),disO)&&fls(disO,a[i].r+O.r)){ // 保证两圆相交,不相交必然没有交点.
			long double gamma=(a[i].O-O.O).theta();
			if(inmid(alpha,beta,gamma))return 0; // 判断圆心连线是否交当前弧.
	return 1;
long double lenArc(reg long double alpha,reg long double beta,reg long double r){
	if(alpha<=beta)return (beta-alpha)*r;
	else return (beta-alpha+2.0*pi)*r;
void getArc(){
	for(reg int i=1;i<=pcnt;++i)
		for(reg int j=i+1;j<=pcnt;++j)
			for(reg int k=1;k<=n;++k)
				if(p[i]==a[k]&&p[j]==a[k]){ // 如果两个点在该圆上.
					geoVec A=p[i],B=p[j];
					geoCir O=a[k];
					long double alpha=(A-O.O).theta(),beta=(B-O.O).theta(); // 两个点到圆心的幅角.
long double solve(){
	//for(reg int i=1;i<=pcnt;++i)
	//	outputVec(p[i]);
	for(reg int i=1;i<=pcnt;i+=2)
	for(reg int i=1;i<=pcnt;++i){
	return G.bellmanford();
int main(){
	for(reg int i=1;i<=n;++i){
	long double res=solve();
	if(res>1e17){puts("-1");return 0;}
	for(reg int i=1;i<=n;++i)
		if(T<geoCir(a[i].O,a[i].r+res/_v*_w[i])){ // 如果塔比人先到终点,GG.
			return 0;
	return 0;

Submission Info

Submission Time
Task D - 魔女
User Dayu2001
Language C++14 (GCC 5.4.1)
Score 50
Code Size 8003 Byte
Status WA
Exec Time 86 ms
Memory 33792 KB

Compile Error

./Main.cpp: In function ‘void inputVec(geoVec&)’:
./Main.cpp:25:27: warning: ignoring return value of ‘int scanf(const char*, ...)’, declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
./Main.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
./Main.cpp:217:23: warning: ignoring return value of ‘int scanf(const char*, ...)’, declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
./Main.cpp:220:33: warning: ignoring return value of ‘int scanf(const char*, ...)’, declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]

Judge Result

Set Name Subtask1 Subtask2 Subtask3 Subtask4
Score / Max Score 50 / 50 0 / 100 0 / 100 0 / 150
AC × 25
AC × 44
WA × 6
AC × 50
WA × 25
AC × 7
WA × 18
Set Name Test Cases
Subtask1 11_rand00.txt, 11_rand01.txt, 11_rand02.txt, 11_rand03.txt, 11_rand04.txt, 11_rand05.txt, 11_rand06.txt, 11_rand07.txt, 11_rand08.txt, 11_rand09.txt, 11_rand10.txt, 11_rand11.txt, 11_rand12.txt, 11_rand13.txt, 11_rand14.txt, 11_rand15.txt, 11_rand16.txt, 11_rand17.txt, 11_rand18.txt, 11_rand19.txt, 11_rand20.txt, 11_rand21.txt, 11_rand22.txt, 11_rand23.txt, 11_rand24.txt
Subtask2 11_rand00.txt, 11_rand01.txt, 11_rand02.txt, 11_rand03.txt, 11_rand04.txt, 11_rand05.txt, 11_rand06.txt, 11_rand07.txt, 11_rand08.txt, 11_rand09.txt, 11_rand10.txt, 11_rand11.txt, 11_rand12.txt, 11_rand13.txt, 11_rand14.txt, 11_rand15.txt, 11_rand16.txt, 11_rand17.txt, 11_rand18.txt, 11_rand19.txt, 11_rand20.txt, 11_rand21.txt, 11_rand22.txt, 11_rand23.txt, 11_rand24.txt, 21_rand00.txt, 21_rand01.txt, 21_rand02.txt, 21_rand03.txt, 21_rand04.txt, 21_rand05.txt, 21_rand06.txt, 21_rand07.txt, 21_rand08.txt, 21_rand09.txt, 21_rand10.txt, 21_rand11.txt, 21_rand12.txt, 21_rand13.txt, 21_rand14.txt, 21_rand15.txt, 21_rand16.txt, 21_rand17.txt, 21_rand18.txt, 21_rand19.txt, 21_rand20.txt, 21_rand21.txt, 21_rand22.txt, 21_rand23.txt, 21_rand24.txt
Subtask3 11_rand00.txt, 11_rand01.txt, 11_rand02.txt, 11_rand03.txt, 11_rand04.txt, 11_rand05.txt, 11_rand06.txt, 11_rand07.txt, 11_rand08.txt, 11_rand09.txt, 11_rand10.txt, 11_rand11.txt, 11_rand12.txt, 11_rand13.txt, 11_rand14.txt, 11_rand15.txt, 11_rand16.txt, 11_rand17.txt, 11_rand18.txt, 11_rand19.txt, 11_rand20.txt, 11_rand21.txt, 11_rand22.txt, 11_rand23.txt, 11_rand24.txt, 21_rand00.txt, 21_rand01.txt, 21_rand02.txt, 21_rand03.txt, 21_rand04.txt, 21_rand05.txt, 21_rand06.txt, 21_rand07.txt, 21_rand08.txt, 21_rand09.txt, 21_rand10.txt, 21_rand11.txt, 21_rand12.txt, 21_rand13.txt, 21_rand14.txt, 21_rand15.txt, 21_rand16.txt, 21_rand17.txt, 21_rand18.txt, 21_rand19.txt, 21_rand20.txt, 21_rand21.txt, 21_rand22.txt, 21_rand23.txt, 21_rand24.txt, 31_rand00.txt, 31_rand01.txt, 31_rand02.txt, 31_rand03.txt, 31_rand04.txt, 31_rand05.txt, 31_rand06.txt, 31_rand07.txt, 31_rand08.txt, 31_rand09.txt, 31_rand10.txt, 31_rand11.txt, 31_rand12.txt, 31_rand13.txt, 31_rand14.txt, 31_rand15.txt, 31_rand16.txt, 31_rand17.txt, 31_rand18.txt, 31_rand19.txt, 31_rand20.txt, 31_rand21.txt, 31_rand22.txt, 31_rand23.txt, 31_rand24.txt
Subtask4 41_rand00.txt, 41_rand01.txt, 41_rand02.txt, 41_rand03.txt, 41_rand04.txt, 41_rand05.txt, 41_rand06.txt, 41_rand07.txt, 41_rand08.txt, 41_rand09.txt, 41_rand10.txt, 41_rand11.txt, 41_rand12.txt, 41_rand13.txt, 41_rand14.txt, 41_rand15.txt, 41_rand16.txt, 41_rand17.txt, 41_rand18.txt, 41_rand19.txt, 41_rand20.txt, 41_rand21.txt, 41_rand22.txt, 41_rand23.txt, 41_rand24.txt
Case Name Status Exec Time Memory
11_rand00.txt AC 18 ms 33280 KB
11_rand01.txt AC 14 ms 33024 KB
11_rand02.txt AC 14 ms 33024 KB
11_rand03.txt AC 14 ms 33024 KB
11_rand04.txt AC 14 ms 33024 KB
11_rand05.txt AC 14 ms 33024 KB
11_rand06.txt AC 14 ms 33024 KB
11_rand07.txt AC 14 ms 33024 KB
11_rand08.txt AC 14 ms 33024 KB
11_rand09.txt AC 14 ms 33024 KB
11_rand10.txt AC 14 ms 33024 KB
11_rand11.txt AC 14 ms 33024 KB
11_rand12.txt AC 14 ms 33024 KB
11_rand13.txt AC 14 ms 33024 KB
11_rand14.txt AC 14 ms 33024 KB
11_rand15.txt AC 14 ms 33024 KB
11_rand16.txt AC 14 ms 33024 KB
11_rand17.txt AC 14 ms 33024 KB
11_rand18.txt AC 14 ms 33024 KB
11_rand19.txt AC 14 ms 33024 KB
11_rand20.txt AC 14 ms 33024 KB
11_rand21.txt AC 14 ms 33024 KB
11_rand22.txt AC 14 ms 33024 KB
11_rand23.txt AC 14 ms 33024 KB
11_rand24.txt AC 14 ms 33024 KB
21_rand00.txt AC 14 ms 33024 KB
21_rand01.txt AC 15 ms 33024 KB
21_rand02.txt AC 16 ms 33152 KB
21_rand03.txt AC 74 ms 33792 KB
21_rand04.txt AC 14 ms 33024 KB
21_rand05.txt AC 32 ms 33408 KB
21_rand06.txt AC 14 ms 33024 KB
21_rand07.txt AC 14 ms 33024 KB
21_rand08.txt WA 21 ms 33152 KB
21_rand09.txt AC 21 ms 33280 KB
21_rand10.txt AC 14 ms 33024 KB
21_rand11.txt AC 21 ms 33176 KB
21_rand12.txt AC 71 ms 33792 KB
21_rand13.txt AC 14 ms 33024 KB
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21_rand21.txt AC 17 ms 33152 KB
21_rand22.txt WA 19 ms 33152 KB
21_rand23.txt WA 20 ms 33152 KB
21_rand24.txt AC 14 ms 33024 KB
31_rand00.txt AC 66 ms 33536 KB
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31_rand03.txt AC 49 ms 33408 KB
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